Since 1989, using all media and formats, we have developed a number of guides, video-itineraries, courses and other publications that are on sale in our shop online .

Scrolling through the menu of this section, you can freely view examples of Interactive Publications (Flipbooks Flipbooks and 3D), Android and other formats that we have created for our collections and our customers as Vivindia Tour Operators, Bartolomeo Di Monaco writer in Lucca, Michael Drake author and American shaman, etc..

If you wish to promote, or distribute your products using one of our available formats, contact us and we will be pleased to offer our full support to realize the interactive publications and multimedia video guides, high-impact.

The costs are proportional to the format and type of interactivity required. A Flipbook can be realized by a simple PDF and enriched with music, video, photo galleries and more, in the process of conversion.