Feel The Universe (An Energy Catalogue) by Frances


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Feel The Universe (An Energy Catalogue) by Frances -This is an example of a simple FlipBook based on the emission energy of the colours created together with the author Frances Walsh Ward, a skilled writer with extensive knowledge of the interrelationships of energy, between living beings. For years, Frances promotes peace in the world through conferences, courses and seminars. Three years ago we got in touch and we developed the idea for this book… Web: www.franswalshward.com

File .ZIP – Works with any portable device and desktop supporting Flash technology. Once you download the file zip on your computer is no longer needed an active internet connection, just open the zip folder and double-click the index.html file that you will find inside. The book will open automatically on your device. In case you get a blank page please, go back to the file zip you downloaded, use the command Extract (not Open) to extract the content in another folder then double-click the index.html.

Language English


File size File ZIP 3MB ca

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